Des Moines Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer
Do I really need a lawyer following a drunk driving arrest? Nearly everyone asks themselves this question if they have been charged with an OWI, DWI or DUI. Yes, there are some cases where legal representation isn’t absolutely necessary, but as a general rule, the old saying holds true: “A person who represents himself has a fool for a client.” Frequently, an attorney can save a client from having to appear in court the first three times (initial appearance, preliminary hearing, then formal arraignment), and sometimes the final disposition (if a plea bargain is worked out) is done by mail. Reasons to hire an attorney include convenience, substantial time savings, and having everything arranged and worked out. Having to go to court each time rather than having a professional handle the case is very important to most people.
West Des Moines drunk driving defense attorney Peter Berger understands how to mount an effective defense against drunk driving charges. With more than 45 years of legal experience, including experience as a prosecutor, Mr. Berger has insight into how the prosecution attempts to obtain guilty verdicts in these cases. At the Berger Law Firm, P.C., he uses his insight to prepare a solid defense strategy while preserving his clients’ interests.
Why Hire a Lawyer to Handle Your DWI Case?
The following are the top reasons for hiring a lawyer to handle your drunk driving case:
- Convenience and time savings
- Professional advice
- Ease with dealing with the prosecutor
- More favorable plea arrangements
- Potential reduction of drunk driving charges in “borderline” cases
- Potential dismissal of other charges
Drunk driving charges can result in harsh penalties, especially when the charges involve second offense or third offense drunk driving. Having an experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorney on your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
Protect Your Record and Your Driving Privileges
Through his decades of experience, attorney Berger knows how to effectively prepare a drunk driving defense case and negotiate with prosecutors. In many cases, especially first offense drunk driving, a plea bargain could include a deferred judgment which, if granted, would result in dismissal usually after one year, and also expungement/erasure of the entire record from all state and local clerk of court and public criminal records. Also, companion charges, such as traffic tickets, are frequently dismissed.
Mr. Berger uses tried and true defense such as challenging Breathalyzer calibration, Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) results and roadside sobriety test procedures to weaken the prosecution’s case.
Get the Defense You Deserve From a Proven Litigator
Certain cases must proceed to trial to obtain optimal results. At trial, attorney Berger presents persuasive arguments questioning whether the defendant was even driving, and/or whether the accused was impaired by alcohol and/or by medication or drugs. Also at trial, experts, such as a toxicologist, can testify about blood alcohol absorption and the differing levels between the time that the accused was behind the wheel and the time that the test was administered.
Contact a Cedar Falls DUI/DWI/OWI Defense Attorney
If you are facing drunk driving charges in Urbandale, Des Moines or anywhere in Iowa, consult an experienced OWI defense lawyer. Contact us online or call 515-288-8888 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your case.