Des Moines Internet Pornography Defense Lawyer
Criminal charges involving Internet pornography have serious ramifications. In addition to the criminal penalties that convicted persons will face, people who are charged with possession of child pornography will likely face permanent damage to their reputation and their relationships. If not handled appropriately, child pornography investigations can destroy lives.
It is important that anyone who is being investigated for a sex crime speaks with a lawyer as soon as possible. For a free initial consultation to discuss your case, contact the Urbandale office of Berger Law Firm, P.C., online. West Des Moines criminal law attorney Peter Berger can also be reached by telephone at 515-288-8888.
Experienced Criminal Defense That Knows How Prosecutors Will Approach Your Case
When you are facing charges as serious as Internet pornography, having an experienced criminal defense lawyer is paramount to your case. Des Moines criminal defense attorney Peter Berger has more than 45 years of experience as a trial lawyer in Iowa.
Mr. Berger‘s experience includes time as the prosecutor who handled all sex crimes in Polk County in the late 1970s. This experience has given him the insight of how the prosecution prepares cases. He uses his experience and knowledge to protect the rights of those charged with serious sex crimes, such as child pornography. He builds a strong defense strategy based on his knowledge of how the prosecution prepares their case.
Remember: Even when people believe that evidence has been deleted from their computer, the prosecution has experts who can recover deleted files from the computer’s hard drive. Therefore, having an attorney who knows how to deal with such evidence is critical.
Defending Against State and Federal Child Pornography and Other Sex Charges
It is a crime to possess, distribute, sell, produce or otherwise use materials that exploit a minor. Child pornography materials may include:
- Magazine pictures
- Internet pictures or images
- Photographs
- Film or negatives
- Videos
- Other mediums which depict minors sexually
Additionally, state and federal laws make it a crime to entice or solicit minors over the Internet. Attorney Peter Berger of the Berger Law Firm, P.C., has extensive experience handling cases involving sex offenses, including online solicitation and Internet child pornography.
Contact an Urbandale Child Pornography Defense Attorney in Urbandale
Attorney Berger treats each client with respect, regardless of the circumstances of his or her case. He understands that people make mistakes and that sometimes the prosecution makes mistakes. He fights to protect the rights of clients in Des Moines and throughout Iowa and other states. Contact us online or call 515-288-8888 to schedule a free, confidential initial consultation with attorney Berger.